Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Two Times I've Cried Watching TV

Have you ever watched a show and it made you cry? I know I have, and sometimes there is a song that goes with it that every-time I hear that song I will cry on the spot and have to change it.

1)The first one is the season finale of the OC when Marissa Cooper dies. I loved this show so much and was so upset when the show was over and she passed. Not only that, but they had to play this dam song in the background. Makes me cry every-time I hear it ugh. Even though I get upset with it, its so beautiful if you listen to the words it's amazing and so moving.

2) The second time I've cried during a show is the season finale of Skins Season 1. If you haven't watched the UK version (since we know now we have Skins in America on MTV which is NOTHING compared to the UK one) WATCH IT! You won't be disappointed. promise! My favorite character Cassie moves away "to get herself better" and this is when Sid finds out that he is secretly in love with her, but she has already left. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Hope you and enjoy and have a lovely weekend ;)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

People that need to be noticed.

I have been thinking about this for along time. And needed to get this off my chest. I know I probably am not the best person to keep in touch with people. I have been overwhelmed with finding a full-time job, working crazy hours at my two part time jobs, but I wanted to let a few special people in my life know how much they have meant to me and what they have done for me.


I was scared of you when I first met you, this little feisty peanut with a loud voice you could hear across the school. Beautiful, smart, unique and didn't give a rats ass what you thought of her. I wanted to be her friend. I don't know how but the 2nd day of school we were attached. We passed notes, we held each other when we cried, we snuck out but most of all we were best friends, and we didn't care what others had to say. She might not know this, but she taught me how to stick up for myself, be a stronger person. Be not just a better person but a better ME. She helped me through some of the toughest times in high school. A 3 year sudden break up, problems at home, college decisions. You name it she was there. I adore her to know end and am so blessed to have her in my life. The most amazing thing about our relationship is that since we have know each other since 9th grade, we can pick up a conversation like we just talked yesterday. I have a picture that she took of me from class black and white hanging over my computer and I look at it everyday reading the quotes. I can't express how grateful I am to have such a special friend in my life.


I don't even know where to begin. We met before school even started and clicked right off the start. I remember when I introduded you to my mother she told me "this is someone who is going to be in your life for a long long time" She had a bubbly personality, beautiful long lashes, blonde hair, loved pink and knew everything and anything about makeup. I loved everything about her, because she genuinely cared about everyone and everything. She is also probably the smartest and most driven person I have ever met. She was there for me for some of the hardest times through my college experience and was there to bring me back to reality. We had our fights, but our friendship always brought us back together. We both joined different sororities, but that never came between our friendship, one day she was in my room while I was at a meeting at my sorority house she made a picture frame of the two of us one side deepher one size axid. Its amazing and hangs over my bed. We haven't talked in awhile but I know she knows that I am always there for her and she will always be there for me. She lives in upstate New Jersey is going to grad-school and works. She is one of my biggest inspirations in my life and I can't wait to see where our friendship takes us.

There are other important ladies in my life that I also want to share with you. And they all have made an amazing impact in my life. Just wanted to give you a little "hey you mean a shit load to me" We might not talk all the time, but you should know this. :)


my BFM Family<3
Toni-Lynn Gross
My big sister<3

Curly Court<3


Sarah Bryan-Ashwell

And I can't forget the guys. There are a couple boys that have been there for me through everything and I cherish there friendship.
Alex There is no normal photo of you, sorry.

Dan Seifert
Daniel, I hate to admit it. But I do love you.

Brett, I hate you, but I love you.
I love all of you from the bottom of my heart! You mean the world to me.

The Bachelor

I need to rant about last nights episode. It was horrible. Maybe because I was a communications major but all I saw was PR everywhere. Don't even get me started on how much I despise Brad Womack.
First I didn't even want to give him a second chance. Who would want to give him a second chance? This man had two beautiful women but since he wasn't "comfortable" with himself, he passed on both. (now both of them are engaged amazing!) I understand that some of you might say, well maybe he didn't love both of them and didn't want to lead them both on. Well guess what, he did he continued the show and the plugs.

Now onto last nights episode. ugh.

The first date he took Ashley to Capital Records (plug) to sing a seal song (plug since he just came out with a new album) But guess what! THATS ASHLEY'S FAVORITE SONG! HOW DID THEY KNOW?! ughhhhhhhhh
Who WOULDN'T want to go on a romantic date with 14 other girls to work as a stunt double? I don't know about you, but that sounds like the most intimate, romantic place you can get to know a woman! Of course all the girls get crazy that they want to get to know him on a personal level and get close to him. Well here you are ladies the perfect date! After that they went to a roof top where they all had bikini's already on under their clothes from there long day performing stunts!
Now onto the date with Emily, I absolutely love this girl and I want her to win, but I actually don't want her to be with Brad, I want her to be the next Bachelorette. She is adorable and genuine. I think she deserves a guy so much better than him. She finally tells him that she has a kid and about her boyfriend in the airplane crash. Her story is heartbreaking and I honestly don't think he really cares. He seemed so mean when she wasn't opening up in the beginning of the date and now he is all sweet etc. I duno I hope they aren't just keeping her on for ratings that will break my heart.

We also have crazy stalker, lurking Michele. She has some serious problems. I feel like it's almost a horror film that whenever one of the girls are talking to Brad she will show up under the couch or behind a tree. Girl scares me to know end. But honestly, I was thinking last night. Wouldn't they be the perfect couple?

One of the biggest things that upset me last night was when he brought his doctor on to discuss his feelings with these women. I'm sorry, but if you were seeing a doctor to help you clear your past etc. You would never bring them on TV. I don't feel bad for you at all I really don't. Everyone has baggage and your lucky that they are giving you another chance to be the Bachelor! Who wouldn't want a second chance? Don't we all?

Monday, January 17, 2011

The best grandpop in the world.

I wish that life was simpler but I believe that we are all in the same hole right now. My grandfather always tells me, "I wish we could go to the toy store and pick you out a new pony."
For some reason whenever I think about this, I think of this horse. I remember picking it out at the Toys R Us on Cottman Ave and admiring her. I honestly probably though that when I was little I could be a My Little Pony.

My grandfather has always been there for me and is my hero. He has been there through some of the hardest times of my life, when I was told I was nothing, not going to graduate, not going to get a job, would probably only be accepted to community college. He told me they were all wrong. I never believe him because when you hear one negative comment you block out the positive when we should really be blocking out the negative feedback.

Im trying to find my favorite picture of me and him and I will post it.

I would do anything for that man. I love my parents more than anything in the world and they have always been there for me for every tear drop, heartbreak etc. But my grandfather is my word. He is also the reason I have such a hard time with boys, I always compare my grandfather to them. My grandparents have been married for over 60 years, and he is the sweetest most caring person that anyone would be lucky to have him in their life. He helped run a company, became successful, a devoted husband, raised two wonderful girls.

He is now retired in Palm Beach Florida, where he works out everyday, plays golf 2-3 times a week, and attends lectures at colleges just to keep up with todays events around the world. He is also probably the smartest man I have ever met.
Beauty in Everything - Photography
A funny story I also wanted to share was when I found out my grandfathers name. When your younger and you finally realize that your parents and grandparents have names, you then want to use them over and over again. They are now not "grandmom" they are "grandmom so and so"

Well when I finally figured out that my grandfathers name was Harry. I realized who he was. He was Hannukah Harry! (The Jewish version of Santa Claus) It made perfect sense! His name was Harry, and he was the only Harry I knew so it had to be him! Right?

I never told anyone this because I felt that my grandfather already knew secretly that I also knew his big secret. I didn't tell my cousins, parents, aunts, uncles etc. It was my big secret. I finally told my family at our Christmas eve dinner, about Hannukah Harry, and they all laughed. I don't know what was so funny. Probably because they didn't figure out the secret before me :)


I love to read, and always am looking for new suggestions and favorites from others. I think it's odd however, that the last two books I have read have been about girls who
A) couldn't find a job
B) had a falling out with a boyfriend
C) Their boyfriend cheated on them

Make a wish _ live in delusion.

So what do they do? THEY MOVE! One girl moves to Israel from Boston and another moves from London to New York. So is that what it comes down to? If we can't find a job, or we have problems with a significant other we should move? OH THATS WHAT IM SUPPOSE TO DO! Well, I don't know how you can pick up your things and move to a new location. I like the idea of it however, Id like to live in the south. Reading all these blogs about the amazing women in the South with their lovely life and boyfriends, jobs etc. Makes me sort of jealous, is that what I'm suppose to do or was that what I WAS suppose to do? I don't know. I don't feel like depending on my parents to financially support me. Some people are ok with this, but right now If I have to live at my parents place, and have two part time jobs. Thats how its gonna be.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

so like yea, so yea.

I can't stand when people can only talk about themselves or try so hard to make you think that they are better than you. This is what I look like when this happens.And the thing is... I WASN'T EVEN IN THE CONVERSATION. ( I was kinda just listening... shhh don't act like you don't do it!)
I Finally ventured out of my house, I have been sick for about 3 days now and I believe I now also have a stomach bug. ugh. On my adventure I went to pick up a drink, and all I heard about is "we are getting so drunk this weekend we are celebrating this persons birthday and then we are going to do this and then we are going to rent a limo and then we are going to the most expensive restaurant in the world and then we are going to like party all night and then......) Which made me think of this cartoon, if you've never seen "teen girl squad" check it out for a good laugh.

Honestly, no one cares. You are out of school with no job. Now I'm not saying that I have a full time job, but hey at least I have two part time jobs and I'm still looking and I'm doing SOMETHING right? Exactly.

I really never even wanted to have a rant on this blog, but I had to get this out and also I felt that we all see these people we can't stand. BUT the best part is? I wanted to also share this video because I feel this explains everything and it makes me laugh and who doesn't need a good laugh when they don't feel well?

Lets pray for no snow, because I don't feel like shoveling and also let's pray that I start to feel better meh! Being sick is noooo fun!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

fun big rings!

I love rings, but I usually wear the same ones everyday. But I really want to start wearing big flashy cocktail rings. They are fun and get peoples attention! (however I bite my nails, nervous habit and I don't think its that attractive I know. meh)
So here are some rings I've found surfing the interweb! woo hoo!

Betsy Johnson $35

Juicy $68
Juicy Ring $68

American Eagle $6.50!

Betsy Johnson $45

Betsy Johnson $45

Betsy Johnson $55
Any fun rings you find? :)

Black Swan by Jim Carrey

Since we all know the snow stopped me from going last night and a horrid head cold, I stumbled upon SNL last night and Jim Carrey was on last night! AH! I caught this part and began to watch, I honestly couldn't stop laughing last night and my stomach began to hurt. Watch this for a good laugh!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mouthful of Diamonds

I really enjoy this song. I've heard it before, but now it plays at work in American Eagle <3>

snow day!

I dislike snow a lot. I'm not a fan of driving in it at all. I'm also super upset because I actually had plans for tonight but this snow doesn't look like it will be stopping :( I really was looking forward to seeing my Sorority Sisters tonight also.
Oh well since I can't control the weather yet, I decided to list some of the things that are making me happy right now on this snowy day!

1. Comfy Socks

I LIVE IN COMFY SOCKS! These ones were from Old Navy and they always have WONDERFUL sales! They were 1$ a pair and I picked up five of them! mmmm<3

2. Candles!
I love candles especially sweet smells! Right now I have two birthday cake candles burning in my room smells delicious!

3. Body Butter!

I hate lotions I don't like the feel if they are sticky and last long of wetness (do you understand?) ok well Body Butter is AMAZING! I LOVE IT! So smooth and smells amazing really makes me calm down :)

4. A Good Book!

I love to read anywhere, bathtub, sun room, bed, couch, floor etc. If after the first 20 pages I can't get into it, I have to put it down! I just joined a web page called "" I really enjoy it! Your friends can join and suggest books for you to read! What a great idea! I hope some of my friends will join so I can find me some good books ;) I'm reading "I heart New York" and I love it. A very girlie book but its good.

5. My Fleece Blanket

I have a blanket that I made myself in college. Its a plain fleece baby blue blanket that I bought at TJ Maxx. I brought it to a store near Rutgers where they make sorority apparel and had my Sorority Letters placed on it. My little had the idea and I stole it from her :) Then many of us were making them for gifts for each other! It was a great idea and I love it!

6. Strawberry Chap stick

I LOVE MY STRAWBERRY CHAP STICK! Winter, summer, spring, fall anytime I love chap stick, it just makes me happy :) (but I really love strawberry mmm)

7. Peppermint Hot Cocoa Starbucks

I love it! especially on a cold day like this! It's perfect :) So minty and perfect and I love when they put the whip cream and chocolate shavings in it also mmmm perfection.

So being stuck in the house I decided to order something online. Browsing through a couple blogs recently- I came across this beauty!

Kate Spade "Hand in Hand Bangle"

So pretty and the 25% of the money goes to "women for women international" Awesome! :) I love bangles! Also it was $48 and free shipping! AMAZING!

So what are you doing on this cold and snowy winter day? What items make you happy?

Friday, January 7, 2011


I can never ever find boots, EVER. I have such a difficult time finding anything that fits my foot. The only shoes that usually fit me are Steve Madden since my foot is wide and looks like fred flinestone. (ok not really but you get it)

When I was younger I use to walk on my toes all the time I believe because I danced ballet so I guess to be a ballerina all the time I walked on my toes. I had to wear "mafos" which were like a leg brace and they were pink. They were so uncomfortable, (Even though I was about 5 or 6?) I still remember them pinching my skin or cutting into my heel. ick.

So back to boots! Yesterday, I saw these boots online on a gossip website I usually read.

Yep, that's Miley Cyrus on her new set film called Undercover I believe? She is a secret agent who goes undercover at a sorority house. oh joy. Anyway the boots are soo cute! I couldn't for the life of me figure out who designed them etc. So my quest was on.

I've already looked at DSW, Nordstroms and couldn't find anything and really didn't want to get another pair of UGGS. Mom suggested we go to a little shoe shop near us which I'm usually good at remembering where everything is but I honestly couldn't for the life of me remember where it was. When we pulled up, there was no one in the store except for the owner and a lady who sold clothes on the other side. They were already putting out spring shoes which I couldn't even look at but I found the sale rack which had 3 boots left. Then I saw these beauties.

These shoes are by Kenneth Cole on their line "gentle soul" right now the retail price is $295! So the lady asked me what size I was, and I said an 8. She smiles and said PERFECT! This is the last pair and it's an 8! Honestly when have you ever been to a store and the last size of something you want to try on is your size? never ever. So I put them on and they fit perfectly! they are wide and sooo soft! I had to have them, they were on sale for.... $148!!!!! I checked online after I got them and they have amazing reviews! So excited I have worn them everyday this week so far! What do you think of them?

Yesterday, I really wanted to get brown ones, with a buckle basically like the Kenneth Cole ones. They have them in brown also but I decided to find something different I guess. I went to Bloomingdales, Walking Company, Journeys. No luck, Then I went into Macys. There were boots everywhere and I felt very overwhelmed by the shoes everywhere. Macy's always seems like so clustered and I don't find the people very friendly either but I really was desperate since boots are going to be out of the store soon and sandals will be in. Looking through the racks and stacks I see my mom touching each shoe yelling at me that "there has to be a boot here there are millions!" Ok mom- When I told her I couldn't find anything, I stopped at the Ralph Lauren table and saw these... Ralph Lauren "Sella Boot" retail price $169, on sale for $119. Ok Ill try them. I ask the man for my size, and says that the sample is the last one so I check the size. SIZE 8?!!! No way. So I try these lovely boots on and they fit like a glove! They had a little scuff on the bottom so he told me he would take off a little for me. $100!

I am so excited for these two boots because they will never go out of style and are wonderful colors! Anyone have a favorite pair of boots?

A New Year a better me.

So I've been browsing around the internet, and discovered a blog by a girl named, Kerri. Her blog is called "A Sweet Georgia Peach" I began to read it and loved her creativity and how she talked about her family, school, friends and life in general. As I read page after page I finally realized why we had such a connection.

We are both Alpha Xi Delta's. If anyone knows me, they know how much my sorority means to me. After graduating last year, omg almost two years ago, not a day goes by that I don't remember, comment or say something about how wonderful my sorority means to me. I honestly believe that others probably get so annoyed with it, but honestly it was the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me.

I will discuss my love and life along this journey of trying to find a full time job, while trying to balance two part time jobs. Reaching my goals, and discovering what I'd like to do with my life.

I hope to make connections and maybe find more interesting people on here, long lost friends. Maybe even convince some of my friends to even join up!