Tuesday, January 18, 2011

People that need to be noticed.

I have been thinking about this for along time. And needed to get this off my chest. I know I probably am not the best person to keep in touch with people. I have been overwhelmed with finding a full-time job, working crazy hours at my two part time jobs, but I wanted to let a few special people in my life know how much they have meant to me and what they have done for me.


I was scared of you when I first met you, this little feisty peanut with a loud voice you could hear across the school. Beautiful, smart, unique and didn't give a rats ass what you thought of her. I wanted to be her friend. I don't know how but the 2nd day of school we were attached. We passed notes, we held each other when we cried, we snuck out but most of all we were best friends, and we didn't care what others had to say. She might not know this, but she taught me how to stick up for myself, be a stronger person. Be not just a better person but a better ME. She helped me through some of the toughest times in high school. A 3 year sudden break up, problems at home, college decisions. You name it she was there. I adore her to know end and am so blessed to have her in my life. The most amazing thing about our relationship is that since we have know each other since 9th grade, we can pick up a conversation like we just talked yesterday. I have a picture that she took of me from class black and white hanging over my computer and I look at it everyday reading the quotes. I can't express how grateful I am to have such a special friend in my life.


I don't even know where to begin. We met before school even started and clicked right off the start. I remember when I introduded you to my mother she told me "this is someone who is going to be in your life for a long long time" She had a bubbly personality, beautiful long lashes, blonde hair, loved pink and knew everything and anything about makeup. I loved everything about her, because she genuinely cared about everyone and everything. She is also probably the smartest and most driven person I have ever met. She was there for me for some of the hardest times through my college experience and was there to bring me back to reality. We had our fights, but our friendship always brought us back together. We both joined different sororities, but that never came between our friendship, one day she was in my room while I was at a meeting at my sorority house she made a picture frame of the two of us one side deepher one size axid. Its amazing and hangs over my bed. We haven't talked in awhile but I know she knows that I am always there for her and she will always be there for me. She lives in upstate New Jersey is going to grad-school and works. She is one of my biggest inspirations in my life and I can't wait to see where our friendship takes us.

There are other important ladies in my life that I also want to share with you. And they all have made an amazing impact in my life. Just wanted to give you a little "hey you mean a shit load to me" We might not talk all the time, but you should know this. :)


my BFM Family<3
Toni-Lynn Gross
My big sister<3

Curly Court<3


Sarah Bryan-Ashwell

And I can't forget the guys. There are a couple boys that have been there for me through everything and I cherish there friendship.
Alex There is no normal photo of you, sorry.

Dan Seifert
Daniel, I hate to admit it. But I do love you.

Brett, I hate you, but I love you.
I love all of you from the bottom of my heart! You mean the world to me.

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